Users and Permissions
  • 11 Oct 2024
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Users and Permissions

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The OV20i has a Users and Permissions system to restrict functionality behind a password. By default, the users and permissions system is disabled, and any user with network access has full access to the OV20i.

The user and permission settings are an essential part of any system that involves multiple users. These settings allow you to control who can access certain parts of the system and what actions they can perform. By assigning different levels of access to different users, you can ensure that everyone has the appropriate level of permission to carry out their tasks while keeping sensitive data secure. By using the user and permission settings, you can ensure that each user has access to only the data they need, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Configuring Users and Permissions

To enable Users and Permissions, you may click “Enable Account” on any or all of the three user profiles, and enter a password that will be used to log in with that profile.

There are three possible users:


Default access settings


Full access to OV20i software


Can operate the camera for only the active recipe through the HMI


Can select the active recipe and operate the camera through the HMI

Users may not change the default User names or add additional User profiles, but they can edit the specific permissions for each User (e.g., some users may want to allow the Supervisor profile to Edit Recipes in addition to the default permissions).


After enabling an account, you must log in using the password you specified and disable all user permissions for the Anybody profile. If you skip this step, users intended to have restricted access can simply log out to gain full access to the OV20i software.
